100 Images in 100 Days
In 2016 I challenged myself to draw 100 images in 100 days. An exhilarating project - being whipped along by the tick-tock of the clock, it was a chance for a total beginner to start on the long path to building expertise through the mythical 10 000 hours of practice!
Without any central artistic theme this was simply a creative challenge to sit down and draw an image every day. Some days I found a live drawing class, an old photo or more often than not an image from the web that I used as my inspiration to practice (note: I did not get individual copyright permission to draw from these photos - and hope the photographers will accept the images are simply practising from their beautiful images).
A small selection of the 100 Days Images is included here and shows the first footsteps in my long journey to 'becoming an artist' - when does one ever actually arrive?